your breathwork guide

I don’t know about you, but I had a rough time through the pandemic! I think we will all agree that it was a tough couple of years, years that stretched us emotionally, mentally, personally, and globally, in ways we could never have imagined.

For me, the past years were steeped in worry, fear, anxiety, sadness, hopelessness, and an emptiness unlike anything I had ever experienced. It was so very challenging!

I always thought I had a great toolbox to help me get through tough times –meditation, yoga, tapping, qi gong, but none of these tools were giving me any long-term relief from the emotional storm that the pandemic delivered. It was frustrating and exhausting and I just wanted to feel better!

One day I stumbled upon breathwork – which I had never heard of. I took a few classes and was impressed with the noticeable emotional shift I felt after each session. Each time I practiced I would go from sad and anxious, to peaceful and calm.

The shift was so profound that I spent two years studying, exploring, and developing my own daily breathwork practice – and I will tell you this about that: I feel awesome! Breathwork truly saved me from myself…

Over the last two years I have studied with many facilitators while exploring  many styles of breathwork including, Wim Hof, Marcel Hof, Soma Breathwork, Neurodynamic Breathwork, Heart Centered breathing, SKY Breath Meditation, Breathology, and Conscious Breathwork, to name a few. I have learned much from many amazing teachers and they have all had a wonderful impact on my personal practice and teaching style.

In my online studio I share what I have learned and guide you through weekly live community breathwork sessions. There’s lots of great insight and information to get you started!

I hope the practices and tutorials I share in the studio are as beneficial to you as they have been to me and that they encourage you to develop a daily practice of you own!

Have fun exploring and may peace always find you…

m xo


Shut Up & Breathe

Free Breathwork Tutorials & Live Online Classes for the global community




Just another fad?
Far from it!

It's yoga for your soul.
It's a radical act of self-care.

Breathwork saved me from my own mind and profoundly changed how I walk through life.


Where different is expected